Attention! If you want help to get your health back naturally and have tried everyone and everything else with little results, read this!
At Last, A Breakthrough Approach
In Natural Health Care
That Gets More Results
What is this breakthrough approach?
It’s called Nutrition Response Testing® and it’s a non-invasive, precise system of analysis that reveals the underlying causes for illness or non-optimal health. Nutrition Response Testing is also able to exactly match clinically-tested, natural remedies to help the body correct underlying issues.
Dear “I Need Help:”
If you want the best opportunity to help get your back on the road to consistent health improvement so that you begin to feel like you again, then this might be just what you’ve been looking for.
But I’ve Tried Everything Else
Right. I get that. When I finally realized I needed to start paying attention to my own health at the age of 40, I tried to figure it out myself. I read books, talked to a few people, and tried this and that. Nothing was really working.
I found an alternative natural health doctor who helped a little bit with nutrition. He helped my wife, too. He did the best he could, but he wasn’t able to help us consistently. Something was missing!
Perhaps you have
- Tried the medical route, or even
- Other more natural, holistic health practitioners,
But nothing is really working. At best, it’s “hit or miss.”
My Story
Since 2005, I have been helping all kinds of people with all types of health problems as a Traditional Naturopath. But before I could do that consistently, I had to get more knowledge and understanding about how the body works. I searched out different specialties, trying to find the best system to help others. I had some success, but it just didn’t seem good enough. I knew something was missing.
I Found It
Just when I felt there were no other options left for me to seek out, I received an invitation to attend a 2-day introductory seminar. It was about Nutrition Response Testing®.
I called up the school where doctors like me were being trained and signed up for the seminar. I also ordered several videos by Dr. Freddie Ulan who explained what Nutrition Response Testing was and how and why it worked.
I discovered that this was what I had been searching for. I found the missing piece!
From Getting Trained to Helping Others
There was no hesitation on my part. I was ready to go through the rigorous training and completing my course as an Advanced Clinical Training graduate in Nutrition Response Testing.
I was getting help in my own health journey and I was helping my wife. And now I was consistently helping others.
Nutrition Response Testing is by far the best system of natural health care that I have found. I have now earned a Gold Seal Certified status as a Clinical Master in Nutrition Response Testing.
Just a Few of the Great Benefits of
Nutrition Response Testing
Here is what Nutrition Response Testing offers and what most people experience as my clients:
- A proven method of accurate health analysis;
- Easy, non-invasive testing of your body’s neurological reflexes (no needles, pricks or prods);
- A reliable system to monitor your progress in getting health improvement;
- A designed clinical nutritional program tailor-made to address your individual needs;
- Clinically tested and safe whole food, homeopathic and herbal supplements specifically matched to help your body repair and restore itself; and
- Ongoing practical education to help equip you to take more control of your health.
My clients range from children (even babies) to older folks.
What Others Are Saying
But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what others have to say in their own words:
“I had been tested and diagnosed with hypothyroid. I was tired all the time, had swollen ankles all my life that doctors always ignored and extreme dry throat. I was just living with it because I always had and just assumed it’s just how it was going to be. I was at a loss at what to do about it. After seeing Dr. Blanchard, I have none of the symptoms I came in with in such a very short time. I’m so glad that I came in thinking I was going to be treated for my thyroid disease which I actually didn’t even have. I have energy that I never dreamed I would ever have again.” – PS
“[Before coming to see Dr. Blanchard] I was very tired all the time. My back hurt which I thought was due to scoliosis. My shoulder was causing me a lot of pain also. I had problems with seasonal allergies. [Since coming to see Dr. Blanchard] I have much more energy and feel more enthusiastic about my life and work. My back pain is gone!! Hard to believe my shoulder pain is gone!! No more allergy symptoms!!” – AU
“Before I came to see Dr. Blanchard, I was having serious pain in both thumbs due to arthritis. I felt sluggish, and had erratic rises and falls in my energy levels. I seldom slept two nights in a row. I was about 40 pounds overweight and had a bad self-image. My hair was brittle and my skin so dry that it was painful. I thought all of these symptoms were ones I would just have to accept as part of the aging process, but they were seriously impairing my enjoyment of retirement. Now that I’ve been seeing Dr. Blanchard, I feel so proud of my health. By following his nutritional plan, I have turned my life around. The best gift for me is that I sleep so well and awake refreshed. The pain in my thumbs has all but disappeared. My energy levels stay at a constant and I have lost about 30 pounds. My hair is shiny and healthy and my skin feels smooth and supple to the touch. I am proud of my new body image, but most of all I am proud and pleased to have found a way to stay at my healthiest throughout every stage of my life. He is a true blessing and has made this journey not only fruitful but also pleasurable.” – KV
“Well, I’m 24 and thought I was the picture of health. I exercise very regularly and live a relatively low-stress lifestyle, however, I realized that headaches, fatigue, frustration, lack of concentration, and indigestion were occurring much more frequently than I perceived. I would lose hours of thoughtful productivity because I was fighting to stay awake. I couldn’t wait for the weekend just to vegetate and sleep in. The people in my life were perplexed at how sensitive I was to rich meals and how easily they could affect my disposition. [Since being on Dr. Blanchard’s nutritional improvement program] now, I have immense levels of energy. I wake up before my alarm and feel very rested. If I miss a good night of sleep it does not ruin me the next day. Overall I have a much more positive outlook on life. I have very little fatigue and really no more issues with migraine headaches. My concentration has improved tremendously. All-in-all I feel like I’m back to being a 24 year old!” – BR
“[Before coming to see Dr. Blanchard] I had high cholesterol (258), high ratio (6.4 Cholesterol/HDL), blood pressure was 170/88, and I weighed around 207. I tried many diet programs, exercise programs and weight lifting programs. The results were limited, sporadic, and not very long lasting. I looked like an extra for the latest Walking Dead sci-fi movie plus my energy level was flat-line. [Since coming to see Dr. Blanchard,] I have been blessed by God to achieve the following test results: weight (162), cholesterol (184), cholesterol/HDL ratio (3.9), blood pressure: 128/66, energy level (fantastic). I exercise 30 minutes a day 6 days a week. As I approach a 2 year mark, I feel very good and very satisfied with my current health. I appreciate the concern and expertise that Dr. Blanchard and Sandi afford my health issues. I would recommend this program to anyone who is sincere about making a financial and personal commitment to improving their health.” – EW
There are more like these on this website, too.
Nutrition Response Testing at our home office is only available to clients in Greene County, TN and surrounding areas.
By Referral and Appointment Only
Call us today at 423.358.5665 to schedule your appointment. Please leave a voice message with your name and phone number and we will call you back as soon as we can.
Lawrence Blanchard, Traditional Naturopath, CNC, MDiv
PS I want to give you a free extra bonus on our website that may be really helpful for you to find out if Nutrition Response Testing is right for you. In the left hand column of my web Home page under "Articles," click on “Top 12 Questions to Ask to Help You Find the Right Health Care Practitioner for You.”
Important Notice: Dr. Blanchard does not diagnose, treat or prescribe for any specific disease or condition. Any of the aforementioned offerings of Dr. Blanchard is not a substitution for conventional medical methods of diagnosing, treating or prescribing which is reserved for licensed medical physicians or licensed naturopathic doctors. For more important legal information, click here.